Boss Cemetery
Cemetery History
The Boss Cemetery is located on State Highway 32 at Boss, Missouri, in Dent County, 23 miles east of Salem, the county seat. The cemetery covers several acres and is now being used by many families of east central Missouri including the counties of Dent, Iron, Crawford, Reynolds, Washington, and St. Francois. Many former residents use this cemetery, particularly St. Louis families. Every fourth Sunday in May, a Memorial Service is held and an estimated thousand people are in attendance.
The cemetery is located at a beautiful site overlooking the many miles of hills and countryside where our forefathers lived. It was here they chose to find a place - a place to worship, a place to plant and harvest, a place to rear their families - a home they called their own. These courageous men and women were the pioneers who laid the foundation for our present American civilization.
We who have an interest in this cemetery should be proud. We have one of the largest and best kept cemeteries in this part of the state. Our younger generations are keeping tradition by using this burial ground. I sincerely hope that this aspect of our heritage will continue to remain alive. When people have lost this philosophy, there is something lacking in the true concepts of the American agrarian culture. We are reminded of the words of one of our great President, Calvin Coolidge, who said of his Vermont hills, "May my body be pillared in the breast of our everlasting hills". -A History and Genealogy of East Dent County, Missouri Families by Kenneth F. Fiebelman